Groups and courses

Group support in healing from partner betrayal and sexual integrity issues offers a safe and welcoming environment filled with numerous benefits:

  1. You're Not Alone: In our groups, you'll discover you're not alone in your journey.

  2. Empathetic Connections: Our members offer deep empathy because they've been where you are. They genuinely listen and support you.

  3. Collective Wisdom: Everyone brings unique perspectives and coping strategies to the group. You can learn from others' experiences and apply their insights to your healing process.

  4. Community and Belonging: You'll find community and belonging here. It's a place where you can connect with people who genuinely understand.

  5. Supportive Accountability: Helping you stay committed to your healing goals. We're here to encourage and support you every step of the way.

  6. Judgment-Free Space: We've created a space where sharing openly is encouraged, reducing the stigma and shame often associated with these issues.

  7. Sharing Resources: Members often share helpful resources, tools, and strategies they've found beneficial. You'll have access to practical guidance.

  8. Inspiring Stories: Meet individuals who've made significant progress in their healing journeys. Their stories offer hope and inspiration.

  9. Structured Support: Our group sessions follow a structured format, providing stability and routine during challenging times.

In our friendly community, you'll find validation, understanding, and support for your healing and growth journey. 

Healing Hearts Live Group is a supportive community for couples seeking healing after betrayal and infidelity, emphasizing the development of empathy, integrity, and authentic intimacy, offering practical tools, skills, and a nurturing community to navigate challenges and foster relational growth.

What You Will Gain

  • A deeper understanding of the complexities involved in healing after betrayal and infidelity.

  • Enhanced skills in communication, fostering healthier dialogue and connection.

  • Practical tools tailored to their specific relational goals, empowering them to navigate challenges with courage and confidence.

  • A supportive community of couples facing similar struggles, offering empathy, validation, encouragement, and shared experiences.

  • Increased resilience and emotional strength to confront and overcome obstacles in their journey towards relational healing.

  • The opportunity to cultivate authentic intimacy and rebuild trust within their relationship.

How It Works

-Ongoing live group support for navigating relational healing post-betrayal and infidelity
-Focus on integrity, empathy, and authentic intimacy as foundational principles
-Develop healthy communication patterns to foster understanding and connection
-Learn practical tools and skills customized to support your relational goals
-Address and process challenges as they arise within a supportive community

Available Sessions

75 minute sessions held over Zoom, $75/couple per week, ongoing
(Only register once, spouse will be added in 2-3 business days)

Healing Hearts – Live
Wednesdays at 1pm ET/ 11am MT (Starting 4/3/24)  – Led by Stephanie Hamby

Choose Renewal

Ongoing Group - $50/wk

Support group for women recovering from unwanted sexual behavior. Our focus is on recovery and healing from patterns of sexual acting out.

Ongoing, multiple sessions available

What It's All About

Choose Renewal: For women recovering from unwanted sexual behavior. Our focus is on recovery and healing from patterns of sexual acting out. This group aims to provide a safe, nurturing community where women can find support and guidance on their journey towards renewal.

At Choose Renewal group, we prioritize emotional intelligence and processing to help each member understand their emotions and how they may contribute to unwanted behaviors. Through sharing experiences, insights, and coping strategies, we aim to empower one another to make positive changes and cultivate healthier relationships with ourselves and others.

Our group provides a non-judgmental space where women can explore their challenges, triumphs, and aspirations without fear of stigma or shame. Together, we work towards personal growth, self-discovery, and lasting transformation.

Whether you’re just beginning your journey or have been on the path to recovery for some time, Choose Renewal offers support, encouragement, and camaraderie. Join us as we navigate the ups and downs of healing, and embrace the opportunity to renew ourselves and reclaim our lives.

What You Will Gain

Supportive Community: They will become part of a supportive community of women who understand their struggles and are committed to helping each other heal and grow.

Understanding and Insight: Through discussions and sharing, clients will gain a deeper understanding of their own behaviors, emotions, and triggers, helping them to identify patterns and make positive changes.

Emotional Intelligence: The group will provide opportunities for clients to develop emotional intelligence, learning how to recognize, understand, and manage their emotions in healthy ways.

Tools and Coping Strategies: They will learn practical tools and coping strategies to manage urges, cravings, and difficult emotions, empowering them to make healthier choices and navigate challenges effectively.

Personal Growth: Clients will experience personal growth and transformation as they work through their issues, gain insights, and develop new perspectives on themselves and their relationships.

Accountability and Encouragement: The group will offer a sense of accountability and encouragement, motivating clients to stay committed to their recovery journey and celebrate their progress.

Renewed Sense of Self: Ultimately, clients will gain a renewed sense of self-worth, self-compassion, and empowerment as they move towards a life that is more aligned with their values and aspirations.

Clients participating in the group will gain a supportive community, emotional intelligence, coping strategies, and personal growth, fostering a renewed sense of self and empowerment in their recovery journey.

Choose Renewal
Tuesdays at 11am MST  –  Led by Stephanie Hamby

1:00 pm according to your timezone (EDT)

Choose Healing - Betrayal Trauma Support for Women

  • Facilitated by Certified Coaches & Therapists

  • Overview:

    • Early-stage support for women navigating betrayal trauma.

    • Led by Choose Coaches and Therapists, offering skills and a safe space for questions.

  • Purpose:

    • Addresses trauma from infidelity, betrayal, or emotional abuse.

    • Helps women cope with intense emotions and symptoms of trauma.

  • Benefits:

    • Safe, empathetic environment for sharing experiences.

    • Learn coping skills for healing and moving forward.

  • Details:

    • Free for the first 6 weeks, then $45/week or $180/month.

    • Weekly 90-minute sessions facilitated by experienced professionals.

  • Registration:

    • Join through Choose Recovery services for this transformative healing experience.

  • Choose Healing – Betrayal Trauma Support for Women
    Wednesdays at 9am MT  –  Led by Stephanie Hamby

    11:00 am according to your timezone (EDT)

"In the gentle embrace of group support and purposeful courses, we find the strength to heal and recover, forging a path toward brighter tomorrows."