Renewed Restored Coaching

Complimentary session

Let's connect for a complimentary 25-minute virtual Zoom session to kick things off.

We'll go into your key challenges and brainstorm potential pathways forward during our time together.

Be sure to prepare any questions you may have—I'm looking forward to our virtual Zoom conversation.

*For couples coaching, we kindly request both partners attend the discovery call.

Individual Coaching

Weekly one-on-one individual coaching, conducted through 50-minute virtual sessions.

  • Tailored Coaching: Personalized for individuals: betrayed partner and one who acted out.

  • Emotional Support: Judgment-free environment for open discussions.

  • Skill Development: Learn practical strategies and skills for challenges and effective communication.

  • Goal Setting: Collaborative goal-setting for positive changes in healing, life and relationships.

  • Behavioral Change: Identify and modify behaviors contributing to difficulties.

  • Communication Improvement: Enhance dialogue within relationships.

  • Coping Strategies: Develop effective ways to navigate overwhelm and nervous system regulation.

  • Psychoeducation: Gain insights into relevant psychological concepts.

  • Confidential Space: A trustworthy and respectful coaching relationship a thought-provoking process.

  • Accountability: Motivation through goal accountability and commitment.

Early Recovery Couples Coaching

Experience weekly relational recovery coaching through one-on-one virtual sessions both partners attend.

  • Customized Guidance: Tailored coaching for couples navigating early recovery, focusing on relational repair and growth.

  • Supportive Environment: Safe and understanding space for open communication and emotional expression.

  • Relationship Rebuilding: Strategies to repair and strengthen the foundation of the relationship during the early stages of recovery.

  • Effective Communication: Learn and practice communication skills crucial for rebuilding trust and connection.

  • Healing Together: Navigating challenges together and fostering a supportive partnership during the recovery process.

  • Goal-Oriented Approach: Collaborative goal-setting to achieve positive changes and rebuild a healthy relationship.

  • Coping Skills: Develop coping strategies for both individuals to navigate the complexities of early recovery.

  • Psychoeducational Elements: Gain insights into psychological concepts relevant to relationship repair and recovery.

  • Confidential Coaching: Ensure a confidential and respectful coaching space where couples feel secure in sharing their experiences.

  • Commitment to Growth: Encouragement and accountability for both partners as they work towards healing and building a stronger connection.

Formal Disclosure

The essence of a couples relationship is authentic intimacy—an innate longing for connection and a profound yearning to be seen, understood, and cherished. Intimacy encompasses various facets that are crucial for nurturing and mending relationships.

At its core, intimacy demands vulnerability—an active and courageous choice to embark on a journey of connection. Vulnerability involves the audacity to both understand and be understood, sharing one's hopes, dreams, fears, regrets, pain, and wounds.

When we opt for vulnerability, we are nurturing the growth of trust. Trust is tangible and observable, and it flourishes through mutual respect. To cultivate vulnerability and trust, we must create an environment where both physical and emotional safety are paramount. Ultimately, truth serves as the bedrock upon which safety, trust, vulnerability, and intimacy can truly thrive.

A Formal Disclosure (FD) is a structured and secure procedure, conducted by trained professionals, designed to restore trust in relationships strained by sexual integrity issues and betrayal. While it can be emotionally challenging and demanding, it substantially benefits both spouses and the marriage. It distinguishes itself from a mere disclosure, which is often aete and unsupported confession lacking the necessary structure.

The FD process is meticulous, requiring skilled professionals who collaborate closely with both partners to prepare for the disclosure of information that has frequently been concealed from the betrayed party. The primary objective is to provide the betrayed partner with a comprehensive account of the situation, fostering transparency and understanding.

Assisting in establishing a solid foundation for repairing relationships and rebuilding trust.

Supporting individuals who have engaged in behaviors conflicting with their values to regain their integrity and gain a truthful perspective of their past actions.

In a study, 96 percent of those grappling with compulsive sexual behavior found that Formal Disclosure (FD) was the right course of treatment for them. They discovered that this process was instrumental in dismantling a core dysfunctional belief, as described by Patrick Carnes as "no one would love me as I am (Carnes, 1983)." Healing this belief is critical for individuals dealing with sexual integrity issues.

The primary treatment goal is to be fully known and yet still fully loved, as it plays a significant role in addressing this core belief. With the burden of sexual secrets lifted after FD, many individuals struggling with compulsive sexual behavior report newfound freedom and inner peace.

Respecting freedom of choice and informed consent is essential for ethical relationships. Autonomy in decision-making without the risk of exploitation is crucial. Informed consent ensures that individuals have access to pertinent information about their well-being, enabling them to make informed choices about their relationships.

In some cases, partners may gradually uncover hidden behaviors in a relationship through a slow and staggered release of information, known as 'drip or staggered disclosures.' This process can unfold over an extended period, especially after a traumatic event or betrayal. However, this gradual revelation can be re-traumatizing and may hinder the complete truth from emerging. Instead, it is advisable to adopt a comprehensive and compassionate approach through the full disclosure process to gather all necessary information without causing repeated trauma.

  • Helpful for the relationships in rebuilding trust through truth, honesty, accountability, and transparency

    A structured, facilitated process led by trained professionals

    Foundational for truth and honesty

    The process is personalized just for you

    Get the truth needed without re-traumatizing or asking the "right" questions

    Shines light in the darkness helping couples reset and their partner have a better understanding of their story

    Fact-based truth- behavioral truth-

  • It does not require that you have to ask just the right questions so that you can get the correct answer.

    It is not punishment or for either party to exert power or control over the other.

    Not an apology, amends, or restitution

    It is not emotionally focused

    Not details of exploits

    Is not leaked or staggered information

As a first step, please schedule a complimentary session with Stephanie to gain clarity, see if full disclosure is appropriate for your relationship, and learn about our package options. (Both parties are required to join this session)

Listen To Joshua & Stephanie discuss their journey of Formal Disclosure